项目分类 | 商业综合体

上海松江九亭商业街/Jiuting commercial street, Songjiang, Shanghai

项目位置:上海 · 松江




容 积 率:0.65

     上海松江九亭商业街在规划中,采用开放街区、城市秀场、绿巢秀谷、海派江南之规划理念开放街区——小街坊、大社区,积极连接周边城市肌理,共享城市资源;城市秀场——集聚“最时尚、最文化、最生活、最艺术、最休闲”    于一体的城市活力秀场,打造文化时尚新地标;绿巢秀谷——引入海绵城市和绿色建筑理念,打造沿秀浜生态滨水绿谷;海派江南——以水为媒,回味江南水乡,体验海派风情。

In the planning of Jiuting Commercial Street on Songjiang River, Shanghai adopts the planning concept of open block, City show ground, green nest show Valley and Shanghai style south of the Yangtze River. Open blocks - small neighbourhoods, large communities, actively connect the texture of surrounding cities, share urban resources; urban showrooms - gathering "the most fashionable, the most cultural, the most lively, the most artistic, the most leisure" in one of the city's dynamic show, to create a new landmark of cultural fashion; green nest show Valley - the introduction of sponge cities and green construction Build concept, create ecological waterfront green valley along Xiubang; Shanghai style Jiangnan - with water as the medium, recall Jiangnan water village, experience Shanghai style.

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